[Events] 2005-10-17&18 19:45 // Colegio del Cuerpo @ Bloomsbury Theatre

Paul Makepeace Paul.Makepeace at realprogrammers.com
Wed Aug 17 13:07:07 BST 2005

Hi all - sorry about the group email...

Can I confirm we have me, James+1, Karina, Kat, and Adrian for Mon 17th?
Anyone else I've missed please let me know. Other guys I've listed
that's OK I have you down, no need to email.

I'll be booking at 16:30 today sharp so any last minute folks, lemme
know if you're up for it. I've confirmed they have the space.

Cheers, Paul

Je 2005-08-12 18:07:05 +0100, Paul Makepeace skribis:
> This in from Tom Powell on the list... Thanks Tom!
> Anyone interested let me know by Tues morn and I'll do a block booking.
> **
> Here's an event I highly recommend. It's not until 17/18 October but tickets
> are likely to sell out.
> Flyer attached. "Colegio del Cuerpo" is a dance performance by Colombian
> teenagers who were rescued from the street as children and who then spent the
> last few years training as a dancer.
> I went last year because I support the charity in question, Children of the
> Andes. I was expecting an amateur performance but the dancing and choreography
> was stunning, the most beautiful and moving dance performance I've ever seen.
> After seeing it, I immediately bought tickets to for the following night.
> They're back again this year, this time in the Bloomsbury Theatre, and I
> thoroughly recommend it. It's only showing for two nights and
> tickets are  15.
> Event: Colegio del Cuerpo
> Time: 7.45pm
> Dates: Mon 17 & Tues 18 October 2005
> Venue: Bloomsbury Theatre
> Tube: Near Warren Street, Euston and Euston Square tube stations
> Site: http://www.thebloomsbury.com/shows/show.php?run=000835
> Cost:  15
> Book: In advance, tickets available now
> Box office: 020 7388 8822
> Tom
> www.feelimagine.com
> -- 
> Paul Makepeace .............................. http://paulm.com/inchoate/
> "What is the point of football? A federal grant making organization."
>    -- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/
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Paul Makepeace .............................. http://paulm.com/inchoate/

"What is a rigid something? Spackle in my tea."
   -- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/

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