[Events] 2005-03-11 // Inaugural Kettlebells meet-up

Paul Makepeace Paul.Makepeace at realprogrammers.com
Tue Mar 8 22:55:38 GMT 2005

OK, something a little out of the ordinary here. I'm starting a regular
meet-up for Kettlebell users, and those interested in checking them out.

If you find gyms boring, want to lose weight, get ridiculously strong &
agile, and all the while have a total blast, come check this out.

I'm demonstrating a currently niche form of exercise, Kettlebells, that
is fast gaining popularity amongst martial artists, gymnasts, strongmen,
reformed gymheads and others after intense ballistic strength-endurance.
It's a sport that's almost unheard of in this country but thanks to a
Russian nutball in the US is becoming way popular there.

Kettlebells are basically like cannonballs with a thick handle. There's
something that's hard to put into words but for whatever reason
they are bizarrely good fun (I've heard this is from people
who resolutely hate exercise), and an extremely thorough all-round activity.
Here's a KB: http://paulm.com/pix/2005/01/26/grip_closed_catch.jpg
Not to mention you don't need a gym subscription or tons of time, space,
and money for equipment.

I've been blogging in the last couple of months about various adventures
with kettlebells and other stuff, http://paulm.com/inchoate/sport/

This just in: I'm delighted to confirm that the founders of the
LondonKettlebells.com community will be along too and bringing a variety
of somewhat esoteric and fun equipment. Various other toys, books, DVDs,
and even some gymnastics rings will be out to play with! There'll be a
fridge full of performance-enhancing substances, e.g. beer, pizza, and
who knows, protein shakes.

This first one's a daytime lunchtime but future ones will be on
weekends too.

Date: Friday 11th March, 2005
Time: 13:00 onwards
Venue: My place, 20mins from Waterloo, SW18 5AY (contact me for directions)
Cost: free
RSVP: yes please esp. if you wanna eat
Dress: whatever you like. Free range-of-motion clothing if you want to have a play!
Food: bring if you can or have a preference, otherwise no worries there'll be something to feast on
Spaces left: just six!


Paul Makepeace .............................. http://paulm.com/inchoate/

"What is a rock? An opportunity to get sweaty!"
   -- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/

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