[MT-users] MT Blacklist broken?

Paul Makepeace Paul.Makepeace at realprogrammers.com
Wed Nov 10 08:27:28 GMT 2004

Je 2004-11-10 08:09:32 +0000, David Rosam skribis:
> Hi
> Is anyone else having problems with MT Blacklist?
> I'm getting to the page where you click on *Go forth and do my bidding*, 
> but then I either get no response, a timeout or a page with this error:
> An error occurred:
> Could not load comment for deletion (ID: 2761):
> The comment is still on the blog.

Not sure, I just got,

 * 1 of 1 comments were successfully deleted.

MTBL is getting REALLY slow with all these entries.

I blogged a replacement solution last night but have nowhere enough time
to implement at the moment,


PS Firefox 1.0 released!

Paul Makepeace .............................. http://paulm.com/inchoate/

"If pigs could fly would they need tickets, then the days would pass
 like sand in an hour glass."
   -- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/

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