[Events] 2005-04-15 // All night party @ Whitehall

Paul Makepeace Paul.Makepeace at realprogrammers.com
Wed Apr 6 18:48:21 BST 2005

This just in from Alex/Lt Onyx,

"The Trade Justice Movement is holding an all night party outside the
seat of government, to try to convince Britain to challenge unfair trade
rules at the upcoming G8 summit.

What with 10,000 candles, and plenty of stuff going on, it should be 
an interesting night. i especially encourgage those of you with street 
performance skills to come and use them!"

Date: Friday Night 15 April - Sat. Morning 16 April
Time: 22:00 onwards, to 8:00
Venue: Outside, Whitehall & Westminster
Cost: Free
RSVP: no
Dress: for the elements
Bring: see http://www.tjm.org.uk/wakeup/; you'll probably want to 
  bring food, as well as money to buy sleep-defeating substances

Paul Makepeace .............................. http://paulm.com/inchoate/

"If the cow won't sing to you, then go clean out the pigs."
   -- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/

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