[Events] About this list

Paul Makepeace Paul.Makepeace at realprogrammers.com
Tue May 10 14:39:57 BST 2005

Just a quick note - I've improved the "home page" of the events list a
bit to make it easier to subscribe and also find out what's happening
this month and next:


Membership volume isn't the goal (it's at 62, for those curious) but
please do feel free to pass that URL, this email, or any others on to
your friends & mailing lists. Part of the nice variety of what's posted
here is folks letting us know about stuff they either recommend, thought
looks interesting, or even are organising or participating in
themselves. We've had events virgins appear at every one of the last
half dozen events I think and lots of email address swapping & new
friends. Which is the point, basically.

If you'd like to post stuff:
Please do! What helps me a lot is emailing me with as much of the info in
a standard way like http://paulm.com/mail/events/2005-May/000111.html
I don't mind doing some legwork--I do pretty much every time anyway--but it
helps. (Despite being a programmer remarkably little of this is automated
yet :-) If you let me know whether it's a "been to it, recommended",
"spotted", "in it", or whatever that's cool too.  If you don't want to
be mentioned as originator for whatever reason, include that.

Many thanks to suggestions from several people. Ever more suggestions &
feedback welcome!


Paul Makepeace .............................. http://paulm.com/inchoate/

"What is another round of beer? Snoring by the beach."
   -- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/

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