[Events] 2006-02-10 22:00-26:00 // Mooch!n @ Medicine Bar, Shoreditch, EC2

Paul Makepeace paul at makepeace.net
Wed Feb 1 12:36:10 GMT 2006

Quite randomly bumped into DJ rockstars Mr Kimble & Lee Jarvis at Sunday's
DVD launch. They're of Mooch!n fame and invited us along to next Friday's
next bash.

Moochin's a small-ish super friendly crew, as events folks here can
testify... Team up with Throb (also known here) quite regularly too.
This should be a top night.

Incidently, congrats to the Moocher DJs who are playing their first ever
set in the main room at The Cross the Saturday after as well, so they're
no slouches on the decks.

As usual, if you're coming along drop me a mail and we can all hook up...

Date: 22:00, Friday 10th February 2006; ends 26:00
Cost: FREE Entry before 9pm
Venue: Medicine, Great Eastern St, Shoreditch EC2
Site: http://www.moochin.biz/whatson.php?article_id=192&article_catid=1

Paul Makepeace .............................. http://paulm.com/inchoate/

"If you didn't know already, then the vikings are coming."
   -- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/

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