[Events] 2006-02-17 18:00 // Paul's leaving drinks

Paul Makepeace paul at makepeace.net
Thu Feb 16 13:44:46 GMT 2006

On Sunday I fly to Dublin to work for Google, helping looking after
GMail and related Stateful Web Applications.

I'll be having some Friday leaving drinks at the appropriately-named
Defectors' Weld in Shepherd's Bush. Do come!

The day after I'll be packing my house and supplying Beer, Pizza, Organic
Goodies, and Tremendous Gratitude to all that show up. RSVP for details!

Time: 18:00 on
Date: Friday 17th February 2006
Venue: Defectors' Weld, 170 Uxbridge Road W12 8AA (top NW corner of SB Common)
Site: http://www.fancyapint.com/main_site/thepubs/pub2575.html

Paul Makepeace .............................. http://paulm.com/inchoate/

"What is it that makes me scream at my mother? The years are passing."
   -- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/

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