[Events] 2004-09-18 // Q-BASE - International Dance Festival

Paul Makepeace Paul.Makepeace at realprogrammers.com
Thu Jul 22 17:36:01 BST 2004

Couple of months out this one; looks to be an absolutely insanely huge
and banging international event for serious dance freaks.

"Secret, deserted, five bunkers, one hangar, two ammo storage units, ..."

Tag-line: "representing the harder styles of European dance music"
Date:  18th September 2004
Venue: Airport Niederrhein, Germany (former RAF base, right on DE/NL border)
Flyer: http://events.q-dance.nl/2004-09_18-september_q-base/
Site:  http://www.q-dance.nl/ (in Dutch; check the left side bar for more
       flyers for an idea on the "house" style)
Price: 45.25 Euros
Buy:   http://www.ticketbox.nl/winkel/details.php?event_id=857016
Capacity: god only knows

Check the *intense* flyer, with the sound system cranked:

A growing posse of us are heading quickly towards a roadtrip. Mail me to
stay in touch on this one.


Paul Makepeace .............................. http://paulm.com/inchoate/

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   -- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/

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