[Events] 2004-08-08 // Zeitgeist boat trip

Paul Makepeace Paul.Makepeace at realprogrammers.com
Tue Jul 27 14:23:31 BST 2004

Je 2004-07-27 14:16:43 +0100, Paul Makepeace skribis:
> Site: http://www.zeitgeist.com/

Site: http://www.zeitgeistparty.com/

Apologies to those unnecessarily exposed to information technology.

Pardon me,
Paul (has a ticket btw!)

Paul Makepeace .............................. http://paulm.com/inchoate/

"If you only fart when no one is looking, then weasels will rule the
   -- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/

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